Indulge in the "Sunset Serenity Bouquet," a radiant floral composition that mirrors the calm of twilight. Lavender and peach roses blend with elegant calla lilies and cheerful mimosa, all nestled in a timeless white vase. This bouquet is an ode to the soothing power of a sunset, making it a splendid choice for Mother's Day or as a tranquil addition to your decor.
Estimated Size
24" H x 20" W
Crafted mainly with:
Calla Lilies, Garden Roses, Cymbidium orchids, and Tulip
*Due to seasonal availabilities, some flowers may be substituted for a flower of equal beauty, quality, and price*
Indulge in the "Sunset Serenity Bouquet," a radiant floral composition that mirrors the calm of twilight. Lavender and peach roses blend with elegant calla lilies and cheerful mimosa, all nestled in a timeless white vase. This bouquet is an ode to the soothing power of a sunset, making it a splendid choice for Mother's Day or as a tranquil addition to your decor.
Estimated Size
24" H x 20" W
Crafted mainly with:
Calla Lilies, Garden Roses, Cymbidium orchids, and Tulip
*Due to seasonal availabilities, some flowers may be substituted for a flower of equal beauty, quality, and price*