"Ornamented Delight" is a captivating evergreen floral arrangement that mirrors the festive allure of a Christmas tree adorned with shimmering ornaments. This enchanting bouquet combines the timeless elegance of evergreen boughs with the glint of ornament clusters, creating a joyous centerpiece that brings the magic of the holiday season to life in a truly charming and decorative way.
Dimensions 18" x 14"
"Ornamented Delight" is a captivating evergreen floral arrangement that mirrors the festive allure of a Christmas tree adorned with shimmering ornaments. This enchanting bouquet combines the timeless elegance of evergreen boughs with the glint of ornament clusters, creating a joyous centerpiece that brings the magic of the holiday season to life in a truly charming and decorative way.
Dimensions 18" x 14"